EdgeMax CLI Basics


EdgeMax CLI Basics

Help/Complete Command

Possible completions:
add:           Add an object to a service
clear:         Clear system information
configure:     Enter configure mode
connect:       Establish a connection
copy:          Copy data
debug:         Enable debugging specified routing protocol
delete:        Delete a file
disconnect:    Take down a connection
generate:      Generate an object
initial-setup: Enter initial configuration dialog
no:            Disable or reset operational variable
ping:          Send (ICMP) echo request
ping6:         Send IPv6 (ICMP) echo request
reboot:        Reboot the system
release:       Release specified variable
rename:        Re-name something.
renew:         Renew specified variable
reset:         Reset a service
restart:       Restart a service
set:           Set system or shell options
show:          Show system information
shutdown:      Shutdown the system
telnet:        Telnet to
terminal:      Control terminal behaviors
traceroute:    Track network path to
traceroute6:   Track network path to
update:        Run an update command

