Displaying Network Statistics in Linux

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Displaying Network Statistics in Linux

ss has replaced netstat


-l –listening: displays listening server sockets

-a –all: displays all sockets

-i –interfaces: display interface table

-s –summary: displays socket usage summary

-e –extended: displays detailed socket information

-n –numeric: display numberd do not resolve names.

-p –programs: display PID/Program name of sockets

-t –tcp: display tcp sockets only

-u –udp: display udp sockets only


-l –listening: displays listening server sockets

-a –all: displays all sockets

-i –interfaces: display interface table

-s –summary: displays socket usage summary

-e –extended: displays detailed socket information

-n –numeric: display numberd do not resolve names.

-p –programs: display PID/Program name of sockets

-t –tcp: display tcp sockets only

-u –udp: display udp sockets only

-r –route: display route table

-v –verbose: display verbose


-u user_name: list open file by user

-u ^user_name: list open file by excluding user

-i : list open files by network connection

-p PID: list open files by PID

-p ^PID: list open files by excluding PID

/directory: list open files by directory

/dev/sda1: list open files by directory

-c: list open files by process name

